My Top 7 Decluttering Hacks and Tips

Decluttering and downsizing can often be overwhelming, especially when you've already tackled the easier areas. You know, the ones where it's clear what to keep and what to donate.

But what happens when you hit a wall and don't know what to take on next? It can be challenging to restart after a break, and figuring out the next project or category to declutter can seem daunting.

Follow along for a look at my own experience and my best decluttering hacks that might help you when you find yourself stuck.

1. Taking breaks and finding new projects

When I hit a roadblock, I usually take a little break and think about what categories or areas make sense to tackle next. Is there something that stands out as needing attention?

For instance, one of the areas I focused on recently was my hutch. I have two hutches, and they were filled with items I no longer used or needed.


2. Letting go of unused sets

One of the realizations I had was about my two sets of Christmas dishes. We use the plates, but not the cups. The small cups, especially, are just not practical anymore.

People prefer larger mugs nowadays. So I decided to declutter all the small cups, even though they were part of a set. It felt liberating to break up the set and only keep what we actually use.

Christmas plates

3. Evaluating heirlooms and sentimental items

Heirlooms and sentimental items can be particularly difficult to declutter. For example, I found an old antique picture that had been broken and repaired with duct tape before it was given to me. Realizing it was not worth keeping, I finally threw it away. It's important to go through heirlooms carefully and decide if they are truly worth holding onto.

Jugs in a cabinet

4. Starting early with decluttering

Decluttering isn't just about getting rid of things; it's also about making things easier for your family. I've been working on decluttering for the last five years, even though I'm only 58.

Starting early is crucial, especially if you've lived in the same place for a long time and accumulated a lot of stuff. It's tough work that involves a lot of physical effort, so tackling it bit by bit is essential.

5. Handling items from other people

I've had to deal with belongings from my dad and my brother. These items have taken up space, and I found it hard to go through them.

Recently, I tackled the last remaining boxes of my dad's belongings, which mostly contained old pictures and a few sentimental items. Letting go of these items was difficult, but I realized that the memories they held were still with me, even without the physical objects.

6. Passing on belongings

When it comes to items that belonged to others, like my brother who is now in a nursing home, I've started passing on his belongings to other family members. For instance, I gave a collection of his things to our nephew, who was very appreciative. It's a great way to ensure these items find a new home where they are valued.

7. Asking family members what they want

It's important to ask your family members which of your possessions they’d like to keep hold of. This helps ensure that items with sentimental value are passed on to those who will appreciate them. If your children don't want certain items, consider asking nieces, nephews, or other relatives if they are interested.

Donation and garage sale boxes

Decluttering hacks

Decluttering and downsizing can be a long journey, especially when dealing with sentimental items or belongings from other people. The key is to take it one step at a time and not get overwhelmed. 

Remember, it's not just about making space in your home, but also about passing on items to the next generation or to those who will appreciate them. Your job is done once you've passed them on, and you should feel no attachment to what others do with them.

I hope my decluttering hacks and my personal experience have been helpful for those of you struggling with similar decisions. Thanks for joining me on this journey of midlife decluttering! Which tip did you find the most helpful? Comment down below.

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