How to Maintain a Clean and Cozy Home: A Daily Cleaning Routine

by Simplify

Are you struggling to maintain a home that feels calm and uncluttered? By establishing simple habits, you can keep your home clean, healthy, and comfortable with minimal effort. However, you don't always know where to begin, but there is help out there! Kristine Yu is all about the importance of having a daily cleaning routine, even for busy individuals. Check out her low-key routine that is guaranteed to make you AND your home feel calmer.

Morning Routine:

Air Out Your Bed: Instead of making the bed right away, Kristine suggests unmaking it to let your sheets air out for at least 30 minutes. This prevents the growth of dust mites and mold.

Unmade bed

Dish Duty: After brushing her teeth and skincare, Kristine heads to the kitchen to put away dishes from the previous night, enjoying a podcast or music to make the task enjoyable.

Clean dishes

10-Minute Tidy: A quick scan around the home helps put things back in their place. This routine prevents clutter from accumulating.

Cozy living room

Evening Routine:

Put the Kitchen to Bed: Kristine prioritizes running the dishwasher at night, rinsing dishes immediately, and cleaning her sink to maintain a clean kitchen.

Dirty dishes

Surface Wipe-Down: She wipes down key surfaces like countertops and stovetops, using a simple homemade cleaner of distilled vinegar, water, and essential oil.

Countertop cleaning

End-of-Day Tidy: Kristine sometimes does another 10-minute tidy before bed to ensure she wakes up to a clean home.

Cozy bedroom

These non-negotiable daily habits keep Kristine’s home cozy and stress-free. What are yours? Let us know in the comments!

For more great decluttering content, check out Transform Your Space: Top Decluttering Hacks & Amazon Products and 4 Categories For Decluttering Sentimental Items More Easily.

For more of Kristine's videos, take a look at Kristine Yu's YouTube channel.

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 1 comment
  • Bonnie Bonnie on Aug 21, 2024
    Guess she doesn’t have a messy husband to pick up after! Lolo