Top 3 Cookout Recipes for the Summer Months

Hey guys! I’m going to show you my top 3 crowd-pleasing cookout recipes. These are easy, low-fuss recipes that are delicious. I’ll walk you through each dish and show you how I make them so you can try them at your next barbeque.

Hot dog chili

1. Hot dog chili

This may be a little controversial depending on where you’re from, but we put beans in our hot dog chili. That’s how we do it in Tennessee.

For this recipe, you will need 1 and ½ pounds of hamburger meat, a can of dark red chili beans, 5 tablespoons of chili powder, 16 ounces of tomato sauce, 1 packet of the Lipton beefy onion soup mix, and 1 and ¾ cups of water.

Making hot dog chili

Start by browning the meat in a pot on the stove. Drain the grease.

Making hot dog chili

Once the meat is cooked and drained, add in the tomato sauce, beef, soup mix, and chili powder. Add the water too. Mix everything and let it simmer on low. It will thicken up as it simmers.

Hot dog chili
Making southern baked beans

2. Southern baked beans

Southern baked beans are not just a can of baked beans. You can use the canned beans but you have to add ingredients to it to make it your own. Every family makes theirs differently. I’m going to show you how I make mine.

I like to use Bush’s brand brown sugar hickory canned beans and a can of Bush’s maple and cured bacon beans. I’m also going to be using 1 and ½ pounds of ground meat, ½ an onion, a bell pepper, brown sugar, and some bacon bits. I also use salt, pepper, mustard, ketchup, and BBQ sauce.

I preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Then I dice the vegetables. Next, I brown the ground beef on the stove with the vegetables.

Making southern baked beans

I like to drain the meat by shoving some paper towels in the pot to let it soak up all the grease and then I throw them in the trash. It’s better than pouring the grease down the drain.

Making southern baked beans

Once the meat is drained, I remove it from the heat and add both cans of beans. I also add ¾ cup of brown sugar, along with some salt and pepper. Then I add ¼ cup BBQ sauce, 1 and ½ tablespoons of mustard, and ¼ cup of ketchup.

Southern baked beans

Mix everything up and pour it into a baking dish. You can use fresh bacon slices and layer them over the top to let them bake into the dish.

I prefer to make things easier on myself and use ready-made bacon bits. Bake it at 375 for about 30 minutes.

Mexican street corn

3. Mexican street corn

This recipe is not authentic by any means. It’s just a recipe that my family has used for many years. My dad used to make it and then I started making it. It’s really tasty so I’m sharing it with you guys.

You’re going to need some corn on the cob. My corn on the cob is frozen, and that’s fine. You will need some mayonnaise and sour cream. You’ll also need lime, paprika, salt, pepper, butter, and chili powder.

The last thing you’ll need is aluminum foil. You can cook this on the grill if you want to but I like to bake mine in the oven. If you’re using the oven, preheat it to 375.

Making Mexican street corn

Cut a piece of foil for each ear of corn. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Then add a pad of butter, and wrap up the foil. Put them on a tray and bake them for about 30 minutes.

Making Mexican street corn

To make the sauce, start with ¼ cup of sour cream and ¼ cup of mayonnaise. Add a tablespoon of chili powder and a tablespoon of paprika. Take half the lime, squeeze in the juice, and mix it all up.

Making Mexican street corn

When the corn is done, open up the aluminum and baste the corn with the sauce. I like to squeeze a bit more lime juice over it to finish it off. This is the best corn for a cookout.

Top 3 cookout recipes

I hope you guys enjoyed learning my 3 most high-in-demand cookout recipes. If you give them a try, I think you’ll see why they are such crowd-pleasers. Leave me a comment and let me know how your dishes come out.

Next, check out my 9 Easy Tips on How to Save Money on Groceries.

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  • Barbara Barbara on Jun 15, 2024
    Everything looks delicious! I love watching cooking videos where people enjoy cooking! Your video is amazing! 🥰
  • SHEILA SHEILA on Jun 16, 2024
    haven't made them later today,,,has all ingredients we like sounds delish!