Pantry Clean-out Challenge: Delicious Chicken Parmesan Soup Recipe

All Things Mandy
by All Things Mandy

Welcome to my pantry cleanout challenge to create my own use-it-up recipe. Come cook with me as I rummage through my kitchen to create a zero-spend meal. I just love getting creative to use up what I have at home and make something delicious.

It was a rainy night when I did this pantry cleanout challenge and I just wanted to make something with what I had at home. I went into my deep freezer and found ground chicken. I dug around the fridge and found some parmesan cheese, shredded mozzarella, and an open jar of pasta sauce. I also had an onion and some garlic.

I decided it was perfect soup weather. So I made chicken parmesan soup. I wanted to bulk it up a bit with this 8-ounce box of gnocchi I found in the pantry.

Making chicken parmesan soup

First I warmed up the chicken and the onion together in one pot on the stove. This was a trick to save me from washing extra dishes by cooking them separately. Always look for ways to make things easier on yourself.

I diced up the onion and threw it into a pot with some oil. Then I added the chicken along with 2 teaspoons of minced garlic. I took out all the spices that I wanted to use.

Making chicken parmesan soup

I have a blend of salt, pepper, and garlic. Then I pulled out some red pepper flakes and Italian seasoning. I measured all the spices out with the heart. I also took out some chicken bouillon cubes to make it a bit more soupy.

Making chicken parmesan soup

Meanwhile, with the chicken and onions cooking on the stove, I poured in the marinara sauce. Then I added 4 chicken bouillon cubes and gave everything a good stir.

I also added 4 cups of water and brought everything up to a boil. Once it was boiling, I added in the gnocchi.

Making chicken parmesan soup

When I was digging through the fridge to get the cheese, I noticed a bag of spinach. I decided it would be perfect in this dish, and would add some nutrients.

I also mixed in some of the cheeses and saved some to sprinkle on top after. I turned the flame down to a simmer and let it cook for 20 minutes.

When it was finished I did a taste test. It was delicious. The gnocchi added a bit of texture and really bulked up the soup. The red pepper flakes added just enough heat. Next time I would maybe add tomatoes and I’d probably make a side of garlic bread.

Chicken parmesan soup

Chicken parmesan soup

I’m so proud of myself for making up my own recipe. I had no plan. I just looked at what I had on hand and made it work. I am so glad that it ended up being so delicious. Use up what you already have. It’s a great way to save money and avoid waste.

Leave me a comment and let me know what’s your go-to recipe on a rainy day. Or share your favorite use-it-up recipe.

Next, try out these 3 Cheap and Easy Beef Meal Ideas.

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