5 Easy Tips for Homestead Life Dreamers

Are you a homestead dreamer? If you have a dream to start a backyard homestead or small farm but wonder how you'll ever achieve it because you work, live in a small city space, or have limited experience, you’re not alone.

I have good news -- it's possible to learn homesteading skills without land or livestock. I'll share how I've learned to start preserving food with canning, fermenting, and dehydrating, and live a more simple life even in the city, while busy with life.

Let’s get started.

Atomic Habits

1. Take a few minutes a day to learn

I love the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, which argues that improving yourself by just 1 percent is highly meaningful over the long run of months and years.

This is why starting small is better than starting big or perfect or when the timing is right.

Glass jars

My dream of becoming a farm girl is going to be won or lost in my spare time.

On any given Friday night, after everyone and everything is settled, I’ll use not more than an hour to tackle tasks like prepping food for canning projects the next day or inventorying what I have on hand to make meals or ingredients out of.

I share these minimal tasks because they can help change your belief about yourself. Every action is the vote for the type of person you want to be–a farm girl!

Canning food
Homemade pectin
These weekly habits will start to guide your life to a different destination. Habits compound over time and make a huge difference.

2. Cultivating a simple life

While I appreciate many of the comforts from this past century of progress, I’m equally aware of what we traded away for the conveniences of modern life. It’s moved us farther away from our food and communities.

I’m convinced there’s no better way to enrich your life now and in a small space with limited time than learning about the way things used to be and weaving them into your daily routine.

Following just a few time-honored practices and traditions has a simplicity and charm that nourishes the mind, body, and spirit.

Slicing food
Canning food

3. Work with your hands

If you want to become a farm girl, work with your hands, make more, buy less, and value quality over quantity. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about making progress and once you start you won’t want to stop.

Pressure cooker

4. A simpler kitchen

The more I learn to process my own food, the less cluttered with appliances and tools my kitchen has become. I find that I’m opting for appliances that have stood the test of time in other farm kitchens. Buying better things that I won’t have to replace for a long time never gets old.

Kitchen utensils
Kitchen utensils
Using tomato food mill
I thrifted an antique tomato food mill. I had several gallons of frozen tomatoes I needed to get to so I assembled and used it.

Growing food
Growing food

5. Small gardens

Why not start a small garden tucked on a windowsill or top of a balcony? Small steps…

Homestead dreamer

Now I hope you can see that if you're a homestead dreamer, you don't have to wait until you "escape to the country" and have lots of land. See why it’s better to start an urban homestead with tiny steps?

Don’t stop learning because one day your patience and persistence will lead you to the goals in your heart of becoming a homesteader.

Let me know if you want to start an urban homestead – and what’s stopping you – in the comments section.

Next, learn How to Start a Homestead Without Land.

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