The New Dollar Tree Organization Items That You Need To Buy

Dollar Tree has just restocked the shelves with all kinds of brand new organizing items, so today I am sharing with you my best Dollar Tree organization ideas.

Whatever purpose an item is intended for, you can usually give it multiple other uses, and I am all for creative house organization ideas. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

Dollar Tree item

Dollar Tree has put out some special little makeup cases for Mother’s Day. They come in three different color palettes and they are super cute!

So how can we use them, apart from putting makeup in them? If you are going on vacation, this little case is the perfect size to hold a few dryer sheets, dryer tablets or dishwasher tablets.

Another option is odd sized medications you need to keep in your purse. It also makes a great little baby kit with a bulb syringe, Vaseline and some cotton swabs.

Finally, it would be perfect for some hand sanitizers you do not want to leak or for smaller cosmetics.

Be aware of the fact that while the case repels moisture, if submerged in water, it will leak. This is a new item and it might not return, so make sure to check your Dollar Tree ASAP!

Dollar Tree item

Let's talk about the amazing summer friendly Dollar Tree entertaining pieces. These little watermelon plates are great as clutter catchers, but they are also wonderful to use as plates or a centerpiece on your picnic table.

Dollar Tree item

This watermelon ice pack is the largest one I have never seen Dollar Tree carry, and after just an hour in the freezer, it will be great to transport all kinds of items or help you if you suffer from hot flashes.

Before we get back to the Dollar Tree organizing, I just want to show you one more must -have in the outdoor section.

Dollar Tree item
Dollar Tree item

These citronella sticks do a great job repelling bugs, especially right beside your back door. I usually leave these sticking in a planter next to the door and light as many as I think I need.

Going back to Dollar Tree organization hacks, these makeup brush cases come in four different patterns, all so pretty!

Both the makeup case and this brush case feature this latch lock, which allows you to hold more than usual in these cases. I'm going to demonstrate it to you as we go. These cases come with a hang tag to hang the item in the store, but I like leaving mine on.

As an actual makeup brush holder, it holds so much more than I thought it would because that latch lock clicks everything in place.

It would also work amazingly as a pencil case, allowing you to easily find your pens and pencils in your crowded purse.

Moreover, this case is also the perfect size for tampons, and it holds so many more than you would think.

Finally, it would make a great travel kit for your toothbrushes, also fitting a small toothpaste and a small floss. I recommend Dollar Tree’s higher-end Guru Nanda brand which makes fantastic toothbrushes. The case did fail my water test, but it is still adorable and very spacious.

Dollar Tree item

And here comes another great Dollar Tree hack for organization: pick up some suction cup hooks from the craft section, and now you have a little center that you can hang things on to make the best use of that vertical space.

Dollar Tree item

I found this next organizer in the beauty section, and it was originally intended to be a powder puff holder. The lid pops off the box and I found it a tiny bit tricky to open, but it is still super useful for organizing.

It is the perfect size for cotton swabs, and it is clear so you will not have to label it. It would also be great for all those little things you need to bring along to a pool in the gym.

Unfortunately, it is just a little too short to fit a credit card, but it will fit some lip gloss, a hair tie, and some cash.

Another great use for it is a tiny first aid station with bandages and some antiseptic. In the water test, this case let a couple drops of water in, but performed much better than the other two so far.

Dollar Tree item

These totes are $3 in the Dollar Tree Plus section, and I love them. They are the perfect size to keep in your trunk, either for shopping or for any items you like keeping in your car.

Zip tie them together to keep them from moving. I also got in the habit of keeping one on the floor of my car to hold my windshield visor.

Dollar Tree item

Let's talk about these Essentials brand drawer organizers. I was a bit of a skeptic, but in just a few minutes of organizing, I was able to create so much more space in my drawer, and I am definitely going to be using these for travel items in my suitcase.

Dollar Tree item

These gorgeous iridescent and rose gold jars make the perfect addition to your vanity or sink top if you like to contain things like cotton swabs, cotton balls, or other items.

My Dollar Tree had more of these in stock than I have ever seen before, so if you are looking for multiples, now is the time to check these out.

The size of these lids makes them easy to open even with one hand. A jar like this would also make the perfect bud vase for your windowsill.

Dollar Tree item

These facial blender holders can often be found in the cosmetic section, but today they were from Mother's Day.

I try to wash my beauty blender out every time I use it. It is a great place to harbor bacteria and you are supposed to get these wet before you use them.

This is why I love these facial blender holders. I can just throw it in here and it is going to air dry and be ready for you the next time you use it. Pick up a couple so you have a spare one while another one is wet.

Dollar Tree organization

And here are all of my latest Dollar Tree hacks for organization. What are your favorite house organization products? Leave a comment and maybe I will check them out as well!

Next, check out my 30 Ideas for Bathroom Organization on a Budget.

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2 of 3 comments
  • Tracey Tracey on Jun 07, 2024
    I use cheap masking tape to make labels and a perm. marker. When I need to change labels, I just peel them off and put a new one. You can find and cut to make) pro
  • Gloria Barkley Gloria Barkley on Jun 14, 2024
    Also looking for the label link