I Gave Up OTC Meds After I Tried This DIY Herbal Allergy Relief

Are you tired of dealing with seasonal allergies and the side effects of over-the-counter (OTC) allergy meds?

I sure was! Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes — all the joys that come with allergies — are already uncomfortable enough without adding in the drowsiness and dry mouth that often come with OTC medications.

That’s why I decided to make a change and make my own herbal allergy relief capsules. And trust me, it’s been life-changing.

My journey with OTC allergy meds

I’ve been struggling with allergies for years, mostly due to seasonal triggers like pollen, grasses, and weeds. And, like many people, I turned to OTC medications for relief.

The problem? Many of these meds came with side effects like drowsiness, dry mouth, and headaches, which made it difficult to function, especially during busy workdays.

I knew I needed to find an alternative that didn’t leave me feeling groggy and miserable. So I started to look into natural herbal remedies for allergies. 

Dried nettle

Discovering herbal allergy relief remedies 

That’s when I stumbled upon herbal remedies. I had always been interested in natural solutions, and when I learned that certain herbs are just as effective as OTC meds without the nasty side effects, I knew I had to give it a try.

Turns out, herbs like nettle, alfalfa, and goldenrod are powerhouses when it comes to fighting allergy symptoms—without knocking you out for the day.

The herbal remedy that works

Let me share with you a simple herbal remedy I’ve been using to treat my allergies, and it's a game-changer.

You can actually make your own allergy capsules at home, and they work fast to relieve symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion.

To create your own herbal capsules, you'll need three dried herbs: nettle, alfalfa, and goldenrod. Here's why they work so well:

  • Nettle is a natural antihistamine that blocks the production of histamine, the chemical responsible for those annoying allergy symptoms like sneezing and itching. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce swelling in the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe.

  • Alfalfa has compounds that inhibit the release of histamine, making it easier to breathe during allergy season. It also detoxifies the body, helping to eliminate toxins that might be making your symptoms worse.

  • Goldenrod is amazing for sinus relief. It relaxes the sinus passages and reduces inflammation, making it easier to get rid of that heavy, congested feeling. It's also great for soothing sinus headaches and sore throats.
Empty capsule

Making the capsules

I know what you’re thinking: “I’m not a DIY person.” But trust me, making these capsules is so simple!

You only need to blend equal parts of the dried herbs together (one cup each works for me), and then scoop the mixture into size "00" vegetable cellulose capsules.

These capsules are vegan, dissolve easily in your system, and are free from additives.

Blending the herbs

You can get a capsule filling set online for just a few dollars, which makes the whole process quick and easy.

Just scoop the herbal blend into the capsules, tamp them down, and snap them shut.

I usually make a small batch at a time, and they store perfectly in an airtight container for when I need them.

Making the DIY herbal allergy relief capsules

How fast does it work?

Now, I’ll be honest, herbal remedies are a gentler approach compared to the fast-acting punch of conventional allergy meds.

But when used consistently, they work wonders. I take one or two capsules when I feel my allergy symptoms starting, and within 30 minutes, I can feel the relief. No drowsiness, no dry mouth — just clean, natural relief.

DIY herbal allergy relief capsules

A bonus tip: Make it a tincture

If capsules aren’t your thing, you can also make a tincture using the same herbs. Steep them in vinegar or vodka for three weeks, strain the herbs, and store the liquid.

A few drops under your tongue daily will give you fast-acting relief without any of the hassle. This tincture works great for when I’m on the go!

DIY herbal allergy relief capsules

Say goodbye to OTC meds thanks to ​herbal allergy relief 

I used to carry OTC allergy meds everywhere, but now I keep a small pillbox of my homemade herbal capsules in my bag. Whenever my sinuses start acting up, I reach for my capsules, and it feels amazing to know I’m treating my symptoms naturally and effectively.

If you’ve been struggling with allergies and are ready to ditch those OTC meds with all their side effects, I can’t recommend this herbal remedy enough. It’s easy to make, gentle on your body, and gets the job done—without making you feel like you need a nap right after.

So, toss those OTC allergy meds and try this herbal solution instead. Trust me, your sinuses (and your energy levels) will thank you!

Will you try making these DIY herbal allergy relief capsules? Comment down below.

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